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  1. 2646 Dupont Drive, Ste. 60340, Irvine, CA 92612
  2. office(at)losangelespersonalinjuryattorneys.co
  3. (949) 302-8040


Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse occurs when a dependent senior adult is mistreated within a unit or facility where he or she should have been treated for and the elderly expected a trust relationship with its caregiver. The result of such actions can lead to harm or distress to old individuals and California…
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Personal Injuries Caused by Defective Products

Personal Injuries Caused by Defective Products

When customers are injured or harmed by defective products in California, they can take legal action to obtain compensation for their losses. Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys, who specialize in product liability, can help you if you have been injured or harmed in any way by using a defective product. The manufacturer…
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Boat Accidents in L.A.

Boat Accidents in L.A.

The state of California has an extensive coastline and some of the state’s biggest counties are located alongside the geographical coastline, at the shore of the Pacific Ocean. Apart from having access to the ocean, Los Angeles also has numerous rivers and water sports lovers know how to enjoy all…
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Catastrophic Injuries in L.A.

Catastrophic Injuries in L.A.

A catastrophic injury is one that changes the life of the victim forever. These types of injuries are serious and life-altering. They can result in the inability to walk, work and do basic activities without help. When an individual is involved in an accident that has such a tremendous impact, he or…
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Premises Accidents in L.A.

Premises Accidents in L.A.

A person injured in an accident in Los Angeles that took place on someone else’s property can, under the right circumstances, ask for just compensation for the injuries or losses sustained as a result of the premises accident in L.A. Just like in the case of slip and fall accidents,…
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Legal Services

Legal Services

Victims of personal injury accidents will often find that they are in need of legal counseling and assistance when they intend to file a claim for their injuries or take their case to court. This is when injured motorists can use the legal services provided by a Los Angeles motorcycle accident…
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